Thursday, May 14, 2020

Quiz on Legal, Political, and Ethical Dimensions of Business

1. State the administrative agency which controls the regulation. According to, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) issued a new Scientific Integrity Policy to safeguard the quality and integrity of the Agencys scientific and scholarly activities. This proposal is of interest to me because I like to keep up with world and political affairs. This proposed regulation will not have an effect at my workplace. This proposal would benefit everyone of the general public. 2. Describe the proposal/change. This policy sets out to articulate the principles regarding how scientific activities are carried out, and how research findings are used. According to, the policy outlines guiding principles for the entire Agency that will: Protect the scientific process from misconduct and from inappropriate influence; Promote access to scientific and technical information; Maintain a highly skilled technical and scientific staff; Convene and use federal advisory committees ethically and transparently; and, Ensure quality, methodological rigor, and ethical standards in all USAID-funded research activities. As the lead international development agency for the United States, science and technology play a vital role in USAIDs efforts to effectively reduce poverty and improve lives around the world, said Dr. Alex Dehgan, Science and Technology Adviser to the Administrator. As science and technology become increasingly important driversShow MoreRelatedBus 365 Week 2 Quiz 1 Chapter 1 and 22144 Words   |  9 PagesBUS 365 WEEK 2 QUIZ 1 CHAPTER 1 AND 2 TO purchase this tutorial visit following link: Contact us at: SUPPORT@WISEAMERICAN.US BUS 365 WEEK 2 QUIZ 1 CHAPTER 1 AND 2 Multiple Choice 1. 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